Setting up a native-compilation toolchain
This page is a brief summary of the cross-compilation discussion on the SamyGO forum. Main contributors to this information are cowenchicken. The information in this page pertains to the building of a toolchain, based on the source code as stored in the file, available from Samsung.
-This informations are verified on Debian lenny.-
Before start ing, please check this packages are installed on your system: apt-get install deboostrap nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap
At on a non-debian system download and install the debootstrap package manually
Installing Debian Lenny in an NFS chroot
First Stage debootstrap
Run the following on your debian based (or debootstrap ready) workstation
debootstrap --verbose --arch armel --foreign lenny /armel-chroot
This gives you first stage linux image to /armel-chroot directory.
NFS export the chroot directory
I use the following options, not really sure all of them are relevant, but they work. edit "/etc/exports" file as /armel-chroot <server-domain, like>/,sync,insecure,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
Than execute
exportfs -a
command. This will apply changes to system. You might need restart nfs and portmap services...
export chroot_share=<server>:/path/to/armel-chroot export armel_chroot=/dtv/usb/sda2/armel-chroot mkdir -p $armel_chroot mount -o rw,soft,udp,async,nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 $chroot_share $armel_chroot
Second Stage debootstrap
this one takes a while
export busybox=/dtv/usb/sda2/busybox $busybox chroot $armel_chroot /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
On some Linux distributions like ubuntu, you can get error at:
I: Configuring mount... I: Configuring initscripts... I: Configuring sysvinit... W: Failure while configuring required packages.
If you have this error, than Edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/sysvinit.postinst
#you have to comment them using # in front of them rm -f $INITCTL mkfifo -m 600 $INITCTL
than inside your chroot and run dpkg --configure -a (or something like this), you should get ride of this error and would be able to continue using apt-get/aptitude.
Getting into the chroot
You can use the following script to get into the chroot
#!/bin/sh #options export chroot_share=<server>:/path/to/armel-chroot export armel_chroot=/dtv/usb/sda2/armel-chroot export busybox=/dtv/usb/sda2/busybox #mount the chroot nfs share mount -o rw,soft,udp,async,nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 $chroot_share $armel_chroot #mount some important dirs mount -o bind /dev $armel_chroot/dev mount -o bind /dev/sam $armel_chroot/dev/sam mount -o bind /dev/pts $armel_chroot/dev/pts mount -o bind /proc $armel_chroot/proc mount -o bind /proc/bus/usb $armel_chroot/proc/bus/usb mount -o bind /sys $armel_chroot/sys #bind resolv.conf mount -o bind /etc/resolv.conf $armel_chroot/etc/resolv.conf #start the chroot $busybox chroot $armel_chroot /bin/bash --login #umount umount $armel_chroot/sys umount $armel_chroot/proc/bus/usb umount $armel_chroot/proc umount $armel_chroot/dev/pts umount $armel_chroot/dev/sam umount $armel_chroot/dev umount $armel_chroot/etc/resolv.conf umount $armel_chroot
Installing additional packages within the chroot
Make sure your /etc/apt/sources.list contains the following lines
deb lenny main contrib non-free deb-src lenny main contrib non-free deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free
Ttan you can install anything you like, e.g.
apt-get update apt-get install strace