How to enable Telnet on samsung TV's
(by dynamic1969, edits and extensions by marcelr, erdem_ua, suggestions by olivluca, grajen)
If you are a novice, then I recommend you take some time to read and understand what you are doing first! THIS CAN BRICK YOUR DEIVCE !!
Read below for a detailed HowTo of the steps taken :
The Safe Way
- Using SamyGO Telnet Enabler Samsung TV application, you can enable telnet of TV without changing firmware.
Enabling telnet with this program is not dangerous but with wrong telnet commands, still you have a chance to brick your TV. Download this program to your USB Flash, then plug it into your TV. Using the Content Library from the Pup-Up menu, select USB, then under Game menu, select and start the SamyGO application once. The TV will go black and then returns to the menu. This will enable your TV's telnet for one session only. When you reboot your TV (switch off and back on) you need to reopen telnet via the menus. I advise you to use the Automated script if you plan to do some development on your TV. If you just want to have look how things work, the safe way is better. Download SamyGO Telnet Enabler Program.
(if you do not have ALL of these: Google is your friend, at least for the software):
- a Samsung TV attached to your local network.
- a hex editor.
- Linux : okteta and many others
- Windows: flexhex, neo, and many others.
- a crc32 checksum calculator.
- Linux : okteta 0.3 or later, check, minicrc, etc...
- Windows: flexhex, be wary of little endian (byte-reversed) checksums, possibly others
- xor encryption/decryption software.
- Linux : okteta 0.3 or later, crypt-xor, xor-analyze, etc...
- Windows: flexhex, possibly others
- a normal ASCII editor.
- Linux : emacs, vi, gedit and and many more.
- Windows: notepad (Or a word processor. Be careful to save in ascii mode, .txt format)
- a telnet client.
Hacking the Firmware
To acquire telnet access to your tv, do the following:
- Download the firmware package for your tv from the Samsung website and unpack it. As an example in this HOWTO, the T-CHU7DEUC.exe file for a ue40b70xx is taken. This will also work on any other xor-encoded firmware. Just replace the T-CHU7DEUC in this howto with your firmware name. When working on a linux box, you can unpack it with wine, unrar, or p7zip (just run `7z x <exe>`).
- Decrypt exe.img.enc in the T-CHU7DEUC/image directory using an xor decrypter with key "T-CHU7DEUC" (the firmware root directory name) and name it exe.img
- Check the CRC32 checksum of your decrypted file (exe.img). It should match the checksum (8-digit hexadecimal number), <xxxxxxxx> given in validinfo.txt _exactly_:
If the checksums don't match, check the following: Is the downloaded file not corrupted? Is your decryption flawless?
- Using a hex-editor, make the following changes to the contents of rc.local in the decrypted exe.img file: locate the lines:
export KF_LOG=/dev/null #Remove engine logging. cd /mtd_exe/ ./exeDSP
and replace just the text element marked bold, as shown below:
export KF_LOG=/dev/null;/etc/ cd /mtd_exe/ ./exeDSP
-> For safety reasons it is recommended that you don't miss the "&" at the end ( this is not yet considered in the SamyGo Script YET! )
Make sure you do not change the length of the image file. To be on the safe side, replace any unprintable characters on the changed line with spaces, but _keep_ the linefeed (0x0a)
And remember: Think before you type.
- Re-calculate the CRC32 checksum for the updated image.
- Using a normal ASCII editor, update validinfo.txt in the T-CHU7DEUC/image directory with the new CRC information: Replace xxxxxxxx in this line with the newly calculated checksum (8 hexadecimal digits, be aware of leading zeros):
- Encrypt exe.img again, using xor encryption with key "T-CHU7DEUC" and copy it into the T-CHU7DEUC/image directory. Name it "exe.img.enc"
Flash to TV
- Move the T-CHU7DEUC directory and all of its contents to an otherwise empty USB drive, plugin the USB drive into your TV and manually start the upgrade via the appropriate menu entry on your TV
- After upgrade, open a shell and start a telnet session on your tv:
$ telnet aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
with aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd your tv's IP-address. when prompted, log in as <root> This is what you'll see, when connected:
$ telnet aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd Trying aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd... Connected to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd. Escape character is '^]'. localhost login: root -sh: id: not found #
You can now start typing commands. For available commands visit the normal places: /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
Browsing the Firmware
Decoding the script shows that a bunch of images may be present and will automatically be flashed if found. This includes the kernel, the root filesystem, the u-boot bootloader, and the aux filesystems (below). The former seem to require loading over the USB serial though?
The exe.img.enc file, once decrypted, can be mounted as a normal FAT filesystem. Under Linux, you can do:
$ mkdir exe-dir $ sudo mount -o loop -t vfat exe.img.dec exe-dir/ $ ls exe-dir/ Comp_LIB/ EXE_IMG_VER JadeTarget prelink.conf samdrv.ko ddr_margin Factory.dat JadeTarget.cfg rc.local SpecialItemNumber.txt edid/ game_lib/ LifeScenario ReleaseInfo value.bin exeDSP InfoLink/ prelink.cache $rfs_log.lo$ YWidget_LIB/
The appdata.img.enc file, once decrypted, is a normal squashfs image (albeit an old 3.0 version). So if attempts to loop mount this image fail with:
$ mkdir app-dir $ sudo mount -o loop,ro -t squashfs appdata.img.dec app-dir/ mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop/1, $ dmesg | tail -n1 SQUASHFS error: Major/Minor mismatch, older Squashfs 3.0 filesystems are unsupported
Then you can use unsquashfs from squashfs-tools to unpack it:
$ unsquashfs appdata.img.dec Parallel unsquashfs: Using 2 processors 2203 inodes (4374 blocks) to write [===============================================/] 4374/4374 100% created 2190 files created 102 directories created 13 symlinks created 0 devices created 0 fifos $ ls squashfs-root/ APPDATA_IMG_VER Font/ lib/ resource/ widget/ Demo/ Images_960x540/ QPI_DTV_AUDIO.ts testPlay.ts
Automated Way
- If you know what you are doing and are simply looking for a tool that will do all of the hacking for you, then you can use SamyGO script (requires python installed on your system) to make all modifications to your firmware. This will produce an exe.img ready to #Flash to TV.
python ./ <path to extracted directory from firmware> example: python ./ ./T-CHL7DEUC/
During the patching process you will be asked to use Enable Telnet or Advanced Mode.
Enable Telnet or Advanced Mode on image( T/a )?
- If you simply wish to just enable telnet on startup select "T"
- If you wish to automount shares and telnet then select "a"
Once the SamyGo Firmware Patcher has completed the patch please flash the new patched firmware to your TV.
Advanced Mode
If you selected Advanced Mode you will need to create a file called /mtd_rwarea/ and set the permissions to 755
Once you have flashed your TV you will need to use the SamyGO Telnet Enabler Program, to enable telnet. This is a once off.
Once you have enabled telnet using SamyGO Telnet Enabler, telnet to your tv and create /mtd_rwarea/
# vi /mtd_rwarea/
Add the following to
#!/bin/sh # Enable Telnetd if [ `cat /proc/mounts | grep -c "/dev/pts"` -lt "1" ] ; then echo "telnetd Enabled" mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts telnetd else echo "/dev/pts is mounted" fi # Open back-door for fixing boot-loop situations sleep 20 # Allow USB-stick to settle USB="/dtv/usb/sda1" # USB mount-point if [ -f $USB/ ];then echo "USB-File detected" $USB/ else echo "Running Normal SamyGO Startup" /mtd_rwarea/ # Run normal startup script fi exit
Set the right permissions
# chmod 755 /mtd_rwarea/
Now reboot your TV and you ready to rock and roll....