Compatibility Table for D series TVs
Best Compatible D Series Samsung TVs for SamyGO
Best SamyGO compatible TVs are from B series but it's harder to find them, you can choose from C series also but if you wanted to buy a TV that is 2011 modal, than it's better to have TV which has "T-GAPDEUC" or compatible firmwares. It's main D series platform firmware and it will became best compatible one for our hacks in near future. I don't write down LCD and PLASMA series, because they consume much more power (specially plasma one) and they also thicker than led one. Led TV will pay the price difference by your lower electric bills... Also LEDs has longer life than others...
For Americans, you could choose UNxxD6000 LED TV, but if wanted to have 3D than you could buy UNxxD7000 3D LED TVs.
For Europeans, you needed to choose UExxD6100 LED TV or UExxD7000 3D LED TVs.
For Australia/Asia, you could select UAxxD6000 LED TV or UAxxD7000 3D LED TVs.
Notice: D series looks slightly different than C series model scheme and 6 series (D6000's) has 3D feature also. I don't know what different between D7000 vs D6000. So I will update this soon...
Device Name | Panel Type | Firmware | Version | CPU | Rooted via | Root Access SSH/Telnet |
PVR | Guide+ | Share Mount NFS/SMB/UPNP |
Notes |
UExx7000 | LED TV | T-GAPDEUC | ??? | ARM | N/A(?) | N/A(?) | N/A | N/A(?) | N/A(?) | Sample entry |